BE963D.tif Bald Eagle nest

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest--adult has been feeding eaglet very small pieces of fish.
©Tom & Pat Leeson
bald eagle, bald eagles, bald eagle nest, eagle, eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, raptor, bird of prey, raptors, birds of prey, bird, birds, wildlife, fauna, horizontal, two, mother and baby, nest, nesting, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, feeding, feed, food, eating, eat, mother, baby, babies, chick, chicks, young, mom, eaglet, eaglets, care, protect, family, Alaska, Kodiak Island, photo, photos, photograph, photographs, image, images, picture, pictures, stock, of, agency, leesonphoto, care, caring tender, tenderness, love, loving, photo, photos, photograph, photographs, image, images, picture, pictures, stock, of, agency