
Malawi cichlid found in Lake Malawi in East Africa. There are two main groups of cichlids in Lake Malawi. This is a Mbuna, or rock dweller, that spends most of its time rocky habitats.
Thomas Kitchin & Victoria Hurst/leesonphoto. All Rights Reserved.
cichlid, cichlids, Cichlid, Cichlids, Africa, African wildlife, Lake Malawi, Malawi, Mbunas, Rock habitat, rock habitat, Rocky habitat, rocky habitat, rock dweller, rock dwellers, Kitchin, Hurst, horizontal, horizontals, Malawi Cichlid, Malawi cichlid, Malawi cichlids, water, lake, lakes, fish, tropical fish, photos, photo, photograph, photographs, image, images, picture, pictures, stock, of, agency