
Alaskan or Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) mother with very young pup.
©Tom & Pat Leeson
Alaska, Alaskan, Alaskan Sea Otter, Alaskan Sea Otters, Enhydra lutris, North America, Northern Sea Otter, Northern Sea Otters, Pacific, Pacific Ocean, Prince William Sound, Sea Otter, Sea Otters, animal, animals, carnivore, coast, coastal, fauna, leesonphoto, mammal, mammals, marine, marine mammal, marine mammals, ocean, otter, otters, predator, saltwater, sea, wildlife, leesonphoto, photo, photos, picture, pictures, image, images, agency, stock, mother and baby, cute, mother, mom, motherhood, baby, babies, pup, pups, young, baby animal, baby animals, horizontal