Best of 2013

Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) using tool--cracking open clam on or with rock. California Coast.
?Tom & Pat Leeson
sea otter, sea otters, Southern Sea otter, Southern Sea otters, otters, otter, Enhydra lutris nereis, Enhydra lutris, horizontal, mammal, mammals, animals, wildlife, animal, marine mammal, marine mammals, clam, food, eating, eat, feeding, rock, tool, predator, fauna, predation, work, working, open, break, breaking, crack, cracking, rock, marine, ocean, coastal, saltwater, California, horizontal, inspiration, simplicity, action, motion, North America, Monterey Bay, using tool, Sea ottter cracking open clam, California Sea Otter, California Sea Otters, leesonphoto, bivalve, mollusc, molluscs, behavior