Animal Communication

Olympic Marmot (Marmota olympus) in alpine area of Olympic Mountains, Olympic National Park, Washington. Summer. It is often said that marmots "whistle" their warning call, but it is really more of a shrill shriek (sound made with the vocal cords).
Tom & Pat Leeson
Marmot, Marmota olympus, North America, Olympic Marmot, Olympic Marmots, Olympic Mountains, Olympic National Park, Pacific Northwest, Washington, alpine, animal, animals, fauna, mammal, mammals, marmots, mountain, mountains, rodent, rodents, subalpine, wildlife, whistle, whistling, call, calling, scream, screaming, yell, yelling, shout, shouting, communicate, communication, communicating, sound, mouth, teeth, noise, noisy, warn, warning, danger, protect, protection, vertical, kid, kids, Tom, Pat, Leeson, and, &, leesonphoto